At Step Smart Podiatry we are doing absolutely everything we can to ensure that our patients can receive the care they need and remain safe. As such we have in place the following
Firstly, if you have had contact with someone with Civid-19, have been overseas in the last 14 days and in quarantine, or are experiencing any flu like symptoms or fever, we ask that you call the clinic to reschedule your appointment and peak with your doctor.
Step Smart Podiatry has incorporated rigorous cleaning techniques to prevent any spread of illness, including:
Podiatrists are wearing face masks for every appointment, if you have a mask, we encourage you to wear it on your way to the clinic, at the clinic and as you leave.
We are doing everything in our power to ensure our patients can visit our clinic with confidence during this uncertain time. If you are worried about visiting the clinic, we understand this concern, and so during this time if you would prefer a home visit this is something we will provide at the same cost of a normal appointment. Please call the clinic to organise this on 94405110
Our patients are our number one priority, and we will continue to do whatever we can to ensure our clinic is a safe place.
To all our patients, please stay safe and well. We look forward to seeing you soon to care for your feet.